Sunday, December 29, 2019

Role of Mahatma Gandhi in Freedom Struggle - 2892 Words

Individual Profile 1. Name: Dr. Aradhana 2. Designation: Reader 3. Department: History 4. Specialization: Ancient/Modern Indian History 5. Coresspondence Address: 52,Green City Colony,vill. Sofipur Roorkee Road,Meerut-250001,U.P., India 6. Telephone: +91-121-2956041, 09759240896 7. E-mail: 8. Educational Profile: Ph.D. (History) With specialisation in‘Modern Indian History’,, 1998. Have done M.Phil. with First division Gold Medalist,from Meerut University, 1993. Topic for Research in Ph.D.: â€Å" Rashtriya Sanchetna Avam Bhartiya Mukti Sangram Mey Mawana (Meerut) Ka Yogdan.† 9. Awards/Honours: 1. Member of Executive Committee of Ch. Charan Singh†¦show more content†¦College Modinagar(U.p). p.p-210 2007 Nari Shiksha Aur Badlta Samajik Proceeding of National Seminar Drastikorn On â€Å" Role of Education in Empowering WomenIn India† in Ginni Devi Modi Girls P.G. College Modinagar(U.p)P.P. 143-148 2006 Ram Charit Manas mein Paryavaran Proceeding of U.P.History Congress, Nanital Exploration in Indian History, Deptt of History, Kumaon University, PP. 595-598 2006 Manu Smriti mein prayshchit vidan Proceeding of National ek mulyankan, Haryana Seminar on, Society, Culture and Ideology perspectives of History and literature, Apeejay Saraswati P.G. College for girls charkhi dadri, Haryana, p.p. 150-159 2005 â€Å"Kakori case aur Vishnu Shrana Proceedings of the U.P. History Dublish† Aligarh Congress(Facts of Indian History) 15th Session Dept. Of History, Aligarh Muslim university, Pg-581-585 2004 â€Å"Samachar patra Aaj ka Swadhinta Sangram mein Yogdan† Proceedings of the U.P. History Meerut Congress(Dimentions in Indian History) 14th Session Dept. Of History, C.C.S. Uni.,Pg-446-458 2004 Swatantrta Sangram Mein Vishnu Proceedings of National Seminar Shran Dublish ki Bhumika Ideology and Leadership during Indian Meerut Freedom Struggle, Pg 267-271 2003 Kranti Dharmi Durga Bhabi Proceedings of the U.P. History Bareilly Congress Readings in Indian History, Dept. of Ancient History and Culture,Show MoreRelatedGandhi : The World Of Mahatma Gandhi1320 Words   |  6 Pages 2016 Research Paper: Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi, better known to the world as Mahatma Gandhi is one of the world’s main faces when we think or talk of the Indian independence movements, women’s rights and all around freedom for humanity. This individual used strategies and tactics of his own to achieve justice for the Indian culture while he was alive. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Critical Tiger Habitat or Critical Wildlife Habitat

Tourism is another crucial aspect that comes into play when an area is declared to be a Critical Tiger Habitat (CTH) or Critical Wildlife Habitat (CWH). Tourism first came up as a topic of discussion when Mr. Ajay Dubey filed a PIL in the Supreme Court demanding for a blanket ban on all tourism activities in the core areas of the forests as continued tourist activities would contravene with the objectives of the Wildlife Protection Act. Supreme Court then passed an order imposing a temporary ban on tourist activities in the core areas of forests. Tourism was then allowed only in the buffer areas. For example, in certain tiger reserves such as Kaziranga Wildlife Reserve, tourism was not allowed in 95% of the core area. Various arguments†¦show more content†¦In 2000, the relocation process finally commenced with fewer conflicts, due to the support of better governance and cooperation between the forest departments, local non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) and the villagers . This resulted in a better relocation package. Thus, the relocation process in Bhadra is said to be an example of good governance. There are still five villages in the tiger reserve .Management includes tasks such as statutory compliances, effective utilisation of funds, suitability of action plans with the reserve concerned, etc . Issues including maintenance of core- buffer strategy, effective incorporation and rehabilitation of local dwellers and Scheduled Tribes and participation by stakeholders play an important role in evaluating the management of tiger reserves . Adaptive management which is necessary as different tiger reserves come under different biodiversities has not come into play , leading to irregular functioning of the authorities. It is noteworthy to mention here the case of Rajaji National Park to highlight the role played by the Forest Department officials- Rajaji National Park, Uttarakhand: Declared in 1983 . At the same time, 1,390 Van Gujjars familie s were proposed to be displaced outside the park in Pathri and Gaindikhata near Haridwar ; this was forcible and encountered substantial opposition . According to Kaushal, these families were threatened into moving into the resettlement colony. Moreover, as reported byShow MoreRelatedThe Action of Tiger Conservation3537 Words   |  15 PagesThe Action of Tiger Conservation As the population of tiger in the world dwindles nowadays, everyone has the responsibility for the conservation of tiger especially tiger range countries. Over the past 100 years, tiger numbers have declined by 95 percent which leave only 3,200 and three sub-species have become extinct – with a fourth not seen in the wild for over 25 years (World Wild Fund for Nature [WWF] International, 2008). Since it is estimated that wild tiger number halved to 3,200, weRead MoreAn argumentative essay on why we should conserve our environment and what good it could bring us1481 Words   |  6 Pagesterminated every year due to many factors such as: removal of habitat, food reduction, human threats etc. From the 1700s to the year 2000, the number of species that have become extinct each year has soared from only 1 to 50,000. For example, the Mauritius dodo was extinct by 1690, Stellars sea cow by 1768 and the Great Auk by 1844. In 1990, there was only one of the Abingdon tortoises le ft in the world, and in 1952, the Balinese tiger became extinct. As the graph provided in the appendix 1 showsRead MoreThe Conservation Of The Sumatran Elephant1518 Words   |  7 Pagesmammals (Lowry). The numbers are continuing to grow, and as a human race, we are failing these species. 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Protect Your Health  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Offers information on how to protect yourselfRead MoreWestern Ghats3515 Words   |  15 Pagesin South Asia and is listed among the 1001 natural wonders of the world.[17] Talakaveri wildlife sanctuary is a critical watershed and the source of the river Kaveri. This region has dense evergreen and semi-evergreen vegetation, with shola-grassland in areas of higher elevation. The steep terrain of the area has resulted in scenic waterfalls along its many mountain streams. Sharavathi and Someshvara Wildlife sanctuaries in Shimoga district are the source of the Tungabhadra River system.The Netravathi

Friday, December 13, 2019

Industrial Age to Knowledge Age Free Essays

This transition trot the industrial to the knowledge age has come with its inherent challenges. This article will examine how organizations are being affected by rapid change and complex challenges associated with these transitions. The article will further examine the industrial age embedded in operation and practices of the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Industrial Age to Knowledge Age or any similar topic only for you Order Now How the Elementary school Is detected by rapid change and complex challenges associated with the move from Industrial Age to Knowledge Age In the elementary school, where I teach, children are in their budding stages of education This makes the most liable to rapid changes associated with the knowledge age. The knowledge era Is characterized by technological advancements. The use technology in teaching has necessitated frequent adjustment of the qualifications of teachers In elementary school. There are inadequate teaching staffs that are competent in the latest technology that can enhance learning. The competitive landscape coupled with the rapid of increase in the number of students Interested In technical and science oriented subjects is a big challenge. According to (Hall Taylor, 1999), â€Å"The knowledge era Is characterized by a new competitive landscape driven by globalization, technology, deregulation, and demagnification (Lull-Been Russ, 2008, p. 189) On the social front, globalization has led too rapid growth in the number of children drawn from different cultural backgrounds. Even though, this has helped debunk the fallacies that breed racial prejudice; the challenges that affect the Interaction between children In our multiracial elementary school remain insurmountable. Most children remain normalized by the very education system that is meant to create social justice and equality because all students are assessed based on Standard Written English (SEE). There Is a challenge in developing student centered pedagogy and assessment tools that factor in the diversity of our students. There Is d need to overcome the royalty in lexicography In the classroom and embrace a versatile approach to teaching. There are inadequate staffs who can act as Interpreters tort children who do not understand English as a mode to immunization. Teachers need to remain sensitive to the needs of children from different backgrounds and adopt meaner of education that is responsive to the needs of students (Whites, 2007). B) Industrial age assumptions embedded In operation and current practices of the elementary school There are several industrial age assumptions embedded In the operations and current practices to my school. This ranges from the approach to teaching and learning to the organizational and leadership structures of my school, At my workplace, the education system assumes that all children In the school are Inadequate. The educational system falls to recognize the unique talents and aspirations to every child English language is a compulsory subject. Children who are unable to develop adequate skills are branded failures, and the school puts them through intensive training sessions to fix these inadequacies. The belief that all children are inadequate, and it is the duty of the school to fix them has left some students in limbo despite enormous talents. Some students who are gifted in sports are forced to go through formal training in courses that are not contributory to their careers in the future (Sense, Cameron-McCabe, Lucas, Smith, Dutton, 2012). The school follows a curriculum that was developed more than fifty years ago. No meaningful adjustments have been made to the curriculum despite data from the school showing that five percent of the student population has special needs. These special needs include physically challenged and some students who have schooling problems. These students are clustered in cohorts with their colleagues based on age. These students are exposed to similar assessments Just like their colleagues and yet they need special considerations based on their needs. This confirms the industrial age assumption, â€Å"Everyone learns, or should learn, in the same way (Sense et al. , 2012). † These children are frustrated because they always come last in academic assessment. As the lead teacher in grade 7, one of my students was always last in every assessment, in social studies. However, the student was excellent in application-based subjects such as Mathematics. Further investigations into this case showed that he had a disturbed childhood and hence could not concentrate in class for a long time. This exposed the unjustifiable classification of children as â€Å"dumb†, clever† when in deed students have unique capabilities, and the circumstances of assessment must be tailored along the unique needs and capacities of students. For this reason, the industrial age assumption â€Å"There are smart kids and dumb kids (Sense et al. 2012)† remains one of our greatest undoing in terms of embracing the knowledge age and remaining responsive to the social, health and economic needs of our students. In a recent parent’s meeting, Physical Education lessons have also been hijacked by enthusiastic teachers who want to â€Å"help weak students† to learn and catch up with others. In complete disregard of the need for a child to learn and g row wholesomely, the school has adopted a policy that further curtails holistic growth of students through co-curricular activities. The assumptions â€Å"Learning takes place in the head, not in the body as a whole (Sense et al. , 2012)† and â€Å"Learning takes place in the classroom, not in the world (Sense et al. , 2012)† seem to have inspired this moves. These assumptions are to blame for the â€Å"robots† that schools are churning out annually. In an attempt to show mastery of content, students simply cram glasswork and never appreciate the role of learning and teaching in their future lives. Failure to appreciate studentship as a chance to integrate students into society and offer them holistic training has been a great disservice to the future generation (Sense et al. , 2012). PART 2: IMPLEMENTATION OF A WORKPLACE POLICY IN THE KNOWLEDGE ERA a) How Elementary School is identifying and responding to these challenges The school is committed to transforming operations and general practice in order to suit learners. For this reason, there are several internal policies. This can be summarized based on The Emergence Dynamic Model. Figure 1 0 The Emergence Dynamic. (Adapted trot Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting Leadership From the Industrial Age to the Knowledge Age by (Russ, Lull-Been, ; McKinley, 2007, p. 309) The Emergence Dynamic Model constitutes reformulation and self-organization approaches. Reformulation consists of reorganization of preexisting elements to produce qualitatively different outcomes from the original results. My school has made such efforts. They include: I. The school has created a network of interaction among teachers to help tackle these challenges. One of the Deputy Principals meets teachers every fortnight to seek solutions to issues facing the school. I’. Teachers share strategies with other and ampere knowledge on how to improve learning and remain responsive to the challenges that students face. Iii. The school policy requires that teachers in charge of different grades meet often to discuss issues that affect students and handle arising matters. Parent’s are encouraged to meet teachers and discuss issues affecting their children. Every semester, there is a parent’s meeting. This helps minimize conflicts. V. The School Board meets every month and makes discusses all decisions that they make with teachers and parent’s. V. The principal meets the School Management Team to discuss all issues that pertain to the school. This minimizes conflicts. V’. The school has well-structured school rules, behavior goals, and classroom expectations. This enhances learner-centered and objective teaching and learning which is in line with the knowledge era. This outlines the punishment that should be mute out for anyone who contravenes the school rules. Ii. The school has a professional conduct policy to enhance professionalism. Viii. The internal policy within the school requires that members of staff who teach every grade must meet often. Parent’s are invited to meet teachers to help develop student- centered pedagogy. ‘x. Professional Development Programs: In order to remain responsive to globalization and the challenges that come with the knowledge edge, all teachers are required to upgrade their professional acumen especially in the Information and Technology Sector. ) Impact on the organization and the work of practitioners in the school The changes that the school has implemented have resulted in adaptability, creativity, learning, and thus enhancing the responsiveness of the school to the social, cultural and even economic needs of the children in the elementary sc hool. The school enrolment has rapidly increased since most parent’s live that the mode of teaching adopted by the school allows their children to be all round. The increase in the number of admissions had added pressure to the school facilities necessitating investment in new infrastructure. Students have improved in their academic performance. This is due to improved teacher-parent interactions. I have noted that students in grade 7, where I’m the leading teacher, have significantly improved in their grades and are also more responsible with the tasks that we assign them in school. This is attributed to transparency and the learner-centered pedagogy. Most teachers have been motivated to pursue further studies and take technology courses to keep abreast with the knowledge era. All members of staff who had diplomas have now enrolled for degree courses as well as training in technology. This has enhanced human resource development in the country. However, some members of staff were unable to cope with the rapidly changing environment and demands to the knowledge era. A significant number to staffs who were used the â€Å"machine world of teachers in control† have quit the profession. This is because the knowledge era has no room for the industrial age searchers. In conclusion, there are numerous challenges that have emerged against the backdrop of transition from an industrial age to a knowledge age. How to cite Industrial Age to Knowledge Age, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Raven Essay Research Paper Writers Comments free essay sample

The Raven Essay, Research Paper Writer`s Remarks: An? ? ? ? ysis of the Corvus corax Body: the raven description: an ysis of the Corvus corax bodyThe Raven Topic: The Raven is about how the writer is haunted by his heartache of the of his lover, Lenore. Subject: The prematurely of a beautiful adult female. Sense: I think that the whole verse form is about the of a beautiful adult female. It seems to me that the Corvus corax symbolizes the heartache he has for his lost love, Lenore. Once he allow the Corvus corax in it tormented his psyche everlastingly. I think the ground why the Corvus corax keeps stating never again is because he knows that Lenore is neer coming back. The verse form is fundamentally that the bird is a sad and ceaseless recollection of his lost love, Lenore. The author seems to believe that he will neer bury his lover because she will ever populate in his head forever. We will write a custom essay sample on The Raven Essay Research Paper Writers Comments or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Drumhead: During a cold, dark eventide in December, a adult male is trying to happen some contentment from the recollection of his lost love, Lenore, by reading volumes of # 8220 ; forgotten lore. # 8221 ; Just as he is about to fall asleep, something knocks at his door. First he thought that the knock was merely a consequence of his dreaming, so eventually he opens the door, but there is no 1 at that place. He looks out the door scared and funny, when he goes to talk he can merely state the word # 8220 ; Lenore. # 8221 ; When he closes the door, another knock is instantly heard on the window. He throws open the shutter and window, and in stairss a big, beautiful Corvus corax, which instantly posts itself on the flop of Pallas Athena, the Greek of wisdom, above the entryway of the room. He asks its name, and the bird replies # 8220 ; Nevermore. # 8221 ; Believing # 8220 ; Nevermore # 8221 ; to be the raven # 8217 ; s name, he is funny, but he believes the name International Relations and Security Network # 8217 ; t relevant to his inquiry, because he has neer heard of any adult male or animate being called by that name. Although the bird is peaceable, the storyteller murmurs to himself that it, like all other approvals of his life, will shortly go forth him. Again the bird replies # 8220 ; Nevermore. # 8221 ; Intrigued, he pulls a chair up straight before the bird to more readily direct H is attending to the Corvus corax, and to calculate out the significance of the bird # 8217 ; s answer. While he thinks in the chair, he starts to believe of Lenore. Suddenly overcome with heartache, he believes that the Corvus corax is from God, who intends to assist him acquire rid of his heartache, but once more the bird replies # 8220 ; nevermore # 8221 ; . The talker so thinks the bird is non what it seems, naming it a # 8220 ; thing of immorality, # 8221 ; and asks it whether there is # 8220 ; balm in Gilead, # 8221 ; a scriptural mention to a land with enduring. Again, the word # 8220 ; nevermore # 8221 ; is the lone reply. He demands that the bird leave, he attempts to direct the bird back to the # 8220 ; Plutonian shore # 8221 ; of Hell from where it came. The bird, answers once more # 8220 ; nevermore, # 8221 ; and sits at that place on the flop of Pallas to this twenty-four hours, to torture the talker # 8217 ; s psyche everlastingly, about his lost love. Purpose: The verse form was likely written because the poet has really gone through similar experiences. Possibly Poe was composing about his married woman Virginia that died. Tone: The poet is really sad about the loss of his lover, Lenore, the poet wants to bury about her but he can # 8217 ; T because he loved her so profoundly. Structure: The verse form is a metaphor verse form. The Corvus corax is being compared to the heartache of his lost lover, Lenore. The poet is giving you an image of a adult male sitting in his house being tormented by the Corvus corax that symbolizes the heartache of his lost love, Lenore. Equally much as the poet wants to bury about his doomed lover he can # 8217 ; T because he loved her so profoundly. When Poe was building this verse form he made it so it had a really distinguishable rhyming construction. He breaks the verse form into subdivisions kind of like of all time subdivision is its ain single verse form. In the center of the first line where you would usually stop it he has a word th at rhymes with the last word of that line. Then he breaks his form by adding a new line that the last word rimes with, two lines subsequently. The 3rd line corresponds with the first. However, the last subdivision was rather different from the remainder. The 5th line doesn # 8217 ; t rime but continues into the 6th line that rhymes with the 2nd and 4th.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Jacksonian era Essay Example

Jacksonian era Essay Why the Versailles Peace Treaty did not work When World War I came to a close in mid-November of 1918, many ideas came about in Europe as to what the peace settlement should be. In Britain, leaders were thinking about how to increase British colonial power. In France, many wanted to permanently punish the Germans, partly in revenge for Germanys aggression in World War I. In Germany, citizens were worried about how radical changes after the war could affect their daily lives. Finally, in the United States, President Wilson was already putting together a system of permanently preserving European peace. All these confusion, worries, plans, and ideas came together in Paris in 1919, with the Treaty of Versailles, establishing the post-war peace in Europe. Yet just twenty years later, war would once again break out in Europe. So why were the peace settlements of World War I unable to prevent the outbreak of war twenty years later in World War II? The treaty was signed on the 28 th of June 1919, it was mainly put together by David Lloyd George, representing Britain and Georges Clemenceau, representing France. Woodrow Wilson was the representative of the United States, but Wilson;s fourteen points to a peaceful Europe was immediately ignored by France and Britain. The Treaty of Versailles had two main issues on which it focused: Germanys post war territory and also the amount of reparations Germany must pay. Not only were Britain and France overly nasty in assessing these reparations, but they were also blind in thinking they would receive anything beneficial out of it. In essence, Britain and France demanded all of Germanys money, nonetheless they also took away all territory from Germany that could produce this money. By taking away Germanys colonies, they, in result, eliminated all of Germanys investments and belongings in their Colonial power. Future income and i Jacksonian Era Essay Example Jacksonian Era Essay Throughout and during the Jacksonian era, there were many progressions made in the area of democracy.For quite some time Americans have been led to believe that during the 1820s and 30s, Jacksonian Democrats were the guardians of the people, and worked alone to improve the nation for them.The truth remains, however, that during this period of time, President Jackson vetoed a bill to re-charter the Bank of the United States of America, infringed on the rights of Native Americans,. force to bring Southerners under submission during the Tariff of 1832Jackson enacted the Spoils System which did not guarantee the best leadership, and was morally corrupt.Andrew Jackson also was also involved in Jacksonian Equality, however this did not apply to women or slaves.Although the nations economy and political democracy flourished during the reign ofPresident Jackson, most everything that Jackson did, furthered the development of political, social, and economic equality among the white race only.A ll of these factors contribute to viewing the Jacksonian Era as a , contradictory version of democracy as stated by Harry L. Watson. In 1832, Andrew Jackson made the impact decision to veto a bill to re-charter the Bank of the United States.In Jacksons veto message of 1832, he accused the Bank of monopoly because it was dominated by rich aristocrats and foreigners.The problem remains, however, that after dismantling the Bank, Americans suffered a huge financial depression. This not only affected the US, but the world. Jacksons decision to kill the Bank also was contrary to the will of the majority of the states who affirmed the Bank to be rightful thus violating their constitutional rights and liberties. In 1830, Congress passed the Indian Removal Act. The Trail of Tears was very hard on the Native Americans.More than 100,000 individu

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Tips for Reading and Enjoying a Dramatic Play

Tips for Reading and Enjoying a Dramatic Play In order to understand and appreciate a play, its important not only to watch it being performed but to read it. Seeing actors and directors interpretations of a play can help create a more fully-formed opinion, but sometimes the nuances of stage directions on the written page can inform as well. From Shakespeare to Stoppard, all plays change with each performance, so reading the written work either before or after viewing a performance can help further enjoyment of dramatic plays. Here are some suggestions for how to closely read and fully enjoy a dramatic play. Whats in a Name? The title of a play can often provide insight about the plays tone, and hints to the playwrights intention. Is there symbolism implied in the plays name? Find out something about the playwright, or his/her other works, and the historical context of the play. You can usually learn a lot by finding out what element and themes are in the play; these arent necessarily written on the pages, but inform the work nonetheless. For instance, Anton Chekhovs The Cherry Orchard is indeed about a family who loses their home and its cherry orchard. But a close reading (and some knowledge of Chekhovs life) suggest the cherry trees are symbols of the playwrights dismay at the deforestation and industrialization of rural Russia. In other words, it often helps to see the forest for the (cherry) trees when analyzing a plays title. The Plays the Thing If there are parts of the play that you dont understand, read the lines aloud. Visualize what the lines would sound like, or what an actor would look like speaking the lines. Pay attention to stage direction: Do they enhance your comprehension of the play, or make it more confusing? Try to determine if there is a definitive or interesting performance of the play you can watch. For example, Laurence Oliviers 1948 film version of Hamlet won an Academy Award for Best Picture and he won Best Actor. But the film was considered highly controversial, in literary circles especially, because Olivier  eliminated three minor characters and cut Shakespeares dialogue. See if you can spot the differences in the original text and Oliviers interpretation. Who Are These People? The characters in the play can tell you a lot if youre paying attention to more than just the lines they speak. What are their names? How does the playwright describe them? Are they helping the playwright convey a central theme or plot point? Take Samuel Becketts 1953 play  Waiting for Godot, which has a character named Lucky. Hes a slave who is badly mistreated and eventually, mute. Why, then, is his name Lucky when he would seem to be just the opposite? Where (and When) Are We Now? We can learn a lot about a play by examining where and when it is set, and how the setting affects the overall feel of the play. August Wilsons Tony Award-winning 1983 play Fences is part of his Pittsburgh Cycle of plays set in the Hill District neighborhood of Pittsburgh. There are numerous references throughout Fences to Pittsburgh landmarks, even though its never explicitly stated that thats where the action takes place. But consider this: Could this play about an African-American family struggling during the 1950s have been set elsewhere and had the same impact? And Finally, Go Back to the Beginning Read the introduction before and after you read the play. If you have a critical edition of the play, also read any essays about the play. Do you agree with the essays analysis of the play in question? Do the authors of various analyses agree with each other in their interpretation of the same play? By taking a little extra time to examine a play and its context, we can glean a much better appreciation of the playwright and his or her intentions, and thus have a complete understanding of the work itself.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Efficient market hypothesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Efficient market hypothesis - Essay Example For the case of semi-strong form, the prices of securities depend on the present and past information and not on the future expected information. Finally, the strong form contend that the prices of securities in the market reflect all the information i.e. past, present and future and that this information is in the domain of all the investors (Schwert 21). There is no opportunity to make abnormal returns in a strong market. The strong market supports the efficient market hypothesis, as it is this form where investors are never in a position to make abnormal profits without incurring higher risk. The other two forms: weak and semi-strong form fails to support the EMH because not all investors are privy to all the information about the market and therefore some investors are in a position to make above average rate of return without taking above average risks (Schwert 23). I however believe that there is no efficient market. This is because the assumption in which the EMH is hinged are ideal i.e. that there are no transaction costs, that all investors have all past, present and future information and that the stock markets are efficient. These assumptions are idyllic and unattainable. Markets can therefore be in either the weak or semi- strong form in which case some investors have more information than others can. This can be shown from the many cases in which those in management positions have used ins ider information. Economists and psychologists in the behavioral finance sector however argue that in the short run, efficient markets are unattainable. This is because the prices of securities are influenced by other psychological factors like those that the expectation in future prices. They further assert that security prices cannot be disseminated equally because of the bandwagon effect. Investors will therefore consider other factors in the